The principals of Pennant Housing Group ("PHG") have nearly 70 years of combined experience in real estate development.  PHG understands the complexity of preservation transactions and the balancing of stakeholders and competing interests.

PHG excels in the following areas: 

Development Services

  • Complex financial underwriting and modeling

  • Collaborating with Architects and General Contractors to develop scope of work

  • Construction monitoring, unit lease-up and tenant certification

  • Temporary tenant relocation

  • 9% and 4% LIHTC preservation

  • Sourcing Debt Financing (tax-exempt bond structuring)

  • LIHTC equity syndication

  • Section 8 HAP Renewal, including Mark-Up-to-Market and Section 236 IRP Decoupling

  • Real Estate Tax Abatement (PILOT)

  • Cost certification and IRS form 8609

Investment Management

  • Investor financial and compliance reporting

  • Fund management, including return analysis and waterfall distribution

  • Debt Refinancing & Asset Disposition

Asset Management Services

  • Preparation of property business plans to generate cash flow and value

  • Analysis of property performance vs budget including revenue maximization & controllable / non-controllable expense review

  • Property contract procurement and review